Saturday, September 17, 2011

1) What's on Your Childhood List?

For me one of the best parts about blogs is sharing. Learning new stuff, finding things I would never have found on my own and meeting new people. So that said I am starting a new feature called " What's on Your Childhood List?" I am hoping others will share the stuff they do, the things they make, the places they go, the books they read or their own moments big and small. You don't have to have a blog or even be a regular blogger (although you could) to participate. All you have to do is send an email to with the following information:

In the subject line: What's on Your Childhood List?

The category that you are writing about: Stuff to make, Places to go, Things to do, Moments Big and Small or Stuff to Read.

A short description (no more then 300 words) clearly written.

1 photo related to you post.

Then check back to see your post, you can also follow the blog on Twitter (!/Childhoodlist1) or Facebook (!/pages/The-Childhood-List/253660947990679) I look forward to seeing what's on your list!

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