
Thursday, October 25, 2012

23) Inspiration: Cooking with Kids

Over the last few years, I have spent a lot of time cooking with my kids, and our family and friends. The photo above is the Bee and Bean making granola with my sister, this is one of my all time favorite pictures. It so perfectly captures what it is really like to cook with kids. On November 3rd  My friend Genie (who is a fabulous cook and mom) and I are teaching a class called Playing with Food: Fun Recipes and Activities to Help You and Your Children Make Tasty, Kid-tested Meals as part of Mesh Baltimores Skill Share. Mesh Baltimore is a program for life long learners or anyone interested in learning something new. They offer classes on a variety of subjects taught by people who are really passionate about the subjects they are teaching about. Our class will be taking place on November 3rd from 1-4 at Baltimore's Digital Harbor High School as part of their first Skill Share. The Skill Share is a chance for people to come and sign-up for three different one hour classes and spend a whole afternoon learning something new. If you are in the Baltimore area check out this link to see all the classes avalible and sign up! So to get ready for our class, I thought I would share just a little inspiration for cooking with kids, here are a few recipes I really want to try with the Bee and Bean.

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