
Monday, November 26, 2012

25) Inspiration: Drawing

As part of the What We Do All Day series I have written a companion Inspiration post for each activity, looking for new ideas, activities and books we can try. Some new ways of doing something we already really like. Here are some inspirations for drawing:

Window Drawing I love this idea of taking our drawing off the paper and the girls would be thrilled if I said we could draw on the windows!

Creative Drawing Prompts For all those days where they want to draw but don't know what they want to draw.

Travel Journals for drawing on the go!

Pass the Drawings Doodle Game a fun drawing game that gets everyone involved. Also might be a good waiting game, like at a restaurant.

Salt Tray Drawing, Colored Salt Tray Drawings drawing into a different surface sounds like something the Bee and Bean would like. The added bonus is that when they are done they just shake the tray and start again.

642 Things to Draw this book looks awesome and I think we need to get it

Shaving Cream Drawing another fun but different way to draw

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