
Friday, December 7, 2012

36) Housekeeping

 This morning was one of those rare and wonderful mornings were both girls had preschool and I had no appointments or errands. So I came home and spent some time cleaning up our house. It is truly amazing what one can accomplish in and hour and a half without children! My morning housekeeping got me thinking that I needed to do some housekeeping around this here old blog. So next week I have a bunch of posts planned but after that I am going to take a little blog holiday. I hope to spend some time with friends and family, get some more cleaning and organizing done around the house and do some fun things with the girls while they are on a break from school. I also hope to do some clean-up and updating here on the blog, as well as restock and organize the store. So after next week there won't be any new posts until 2013, how crazy is that. Before the year comes to an end I want to take a moment to say thank you to everyone who reads this blog, to all the friends who comment and share, and to all the people who support my crazy endeavors and cheer me on. I really appreciate you. I hope to share a lot more in 2013 and hope that all the people reading will share more too. I love hearing about the creative goings on, fun projects and everyday happenings of other families (as do all the other people reading.) If you ever have something you would like to share please email me ( or feel free to share a photo, post or link on Facebook or Twitter. I hope everyone has a good holiday (whichever ones you celebrate) and gets to enjoy some of your own time catching up with family, friends or projects that you are working on! See you next year! (yes I still get a kick out of that:)


  1. Gosh, I know what you mean! Having my kids out of the home for an hour or so, and I can get a week's worth of "to-dos" checked off. Recently I hired a cleaning service to help me get to some of the things I knew I wouldn't get to before the new year. I want to go into the new year relaxed, knowing I have done some of that organizing and cleaning, but also that I spent time with my kids and family over the holidays.
