
Friday, January 11, 2013

37) Crayon Names

I have been working this week on a new set of 20 crayon stones in 20 different colors. As always when I make a new set of crayons I give them to the Bee and Bean for a thorough testing. This week we have spent a good amount of time coloring with them and much of the conversation has been about the different colors. Which ones they like, which ones they don't, which color is their favorite. When I was a kid i can remember how much I loved getting a new box of crayons testing each one out and reading all the different color names, so I appreciate their excitment. I thought it would be fun to come up with some creative names for each color in my set. I posted this photo above on Instagram and got a few good suggestions but I thought I would post it here too and see if I could get some more creative ideas. If you have any ideas for creative color names leave a comment below (it could be for just one color or for all of them, whatever you think of.) As a way to thank you for your help, I will be selecting one person who suggests a color name at random to receive their own set of 20 crayon stones so make sure to include your name!
Here is a list of the colors (since I am not sure all of them are pictured):
Magenta, Peach, Pink, Red, Orange, Yellow, Golden Yellow, Orange, Light Green, Dark Green, Turquoise, Light Blue, Dark Blue, Purple, Maroon, Tan, Brown, Gray, Back and White


  1. Okay wait, no one has commented on this? I was thinking the other day when I first saw this that you could name them things related to're in Baltimore, right? I was born there. :) Anyway, like horseshoe crab brown and Chesapeake blue...It could be a *tad* wordy, but I like it anyway. :-)

  2. Katherine I love the baltimore themed color names!!!Where in Baltimore where you born? I am declaring you the winner (and not just because nobody else posted:) So if you will email me your address I will send you guys a set of crayons! I am still working on names but maybe taking them for a test run will give you a little inspiration:) My email is

  3. Oh I am just seeing this! I was born at Johns Hopkins...I only lived there for 3 months, but I still call it my "old stomping ground" to this day. If it's too late for the crayons that's okay, but I'll email my address anyway.
