
Friday, April 13, 2012

111) Clay Flowers

 A few months ago we tried this great recipe for air dry clay. The clay was a little tricky to make, but I think that was mostly my lack of reading directions. The clay is however very easy to use! It has a smooth white finish is easy to roll and holds it's shape making it easy to cut from. Even though we made the clay a few months ago, we have kept it in an airtight container and it is still soft and usable.

 The first project we made with the clay were these flowers. We begin by rolling the clay into a large flat pancake. The Bee and I then used a small flower cookie cutter we had to cut out a bunch of flower shapes. She then helped me use a straw to put holes in each one of the flowers. At this point we were just playing around, I had no idea what we were going to make these flowers into. However I learned long ago that if you are even thinking of stringing something it is better to make the holes before it dries.

 We let the flowers sit on the counter for a few days to dry. The Bee and Bean then painted the flowers with some watercolor paints. The clay soaked up the paint and water leaving these beautiful, colorfully blended flowers. We made these a few months ago, not long after we made the clay. Since then these flowers have been sitting in a glass jar on our counter waiting to be used for something, but I don't know what. I had considered some kind of mobile, but they didn't really look right. I figure now that it is Spring and with Mother's Day right around the corner maybe we could use them.... Any ideas?

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