
Saturday, May 12, 2012

13) Inspiration: Mom Stuff

This is us May 2008 just a few months before the Bee arrived. 

So I normally write about kids and kid stuff here, but today is Mother's Day, so I'm writing about moms! A few weeks ago my friend Emily and I were discussing this quandary: what to do with all our mom stuff in the summer. In the winter I have tons of pockets, one for cell phone, one for wallet and keys, one for clean tissues, one for dirty tissues when I can't get to the trashcan, one for all the random objects that seem to end up in my hands and thereby my pockets everyday (hairbands, small doll shoes, beads, beautiful rocks we can't live without.) However in the summer I never know what to do with all my stuff. Most of my summer clothes don't have a lot of pockets, and I can't always carry a bag. I explained to my friend Emily that the Summer makes me long for the days when I taught art and wore an apron every day. It makes sense to me why women used to wear aprons all the time and I would consider it except that the few times I have showed up at the grocery store in an apron, I have gotten some weird looks. So this weeks post is filled with inspirations for what to do with the mom stuff.

This Removalble Tote Organizer by Martha Stewart might help me on my search for the perfect mom bag.
I love a good upcycled DIY project and this Holder for Charging Your Cell Phone is a good one.
DIY iPhone Holder by Peinkopa might be the answer to some lack of pockets.
This is Genius!!! Mom Tote Bag with Kid Handle by Uncommon Goods
Maybe I will try this bag, it is big enough and I love the Pocket! Park Bag Tutorial by Delia Creates
Another answer to the lack of pockets Summertime Wallet by Purl Bee
If all else fails I will just make this Apron with Pockets by Lucy Jane

Happy Mother's Day!!!!

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