
Saturday, May 19, 2012

14) Inspiration: Strawberries

Yesterday we took our annual trip to Larriland Farms to pick strawberries. Every year we go with the cousins and aunts and it is one of my most favorite days of the year. This year we collectivley picked 28 pounds of strawberries, which I know is probably a little ridiculous but we split them up 3 ways. Each year when we get home, the Bee helps me to clean our strawberries and then we divvy them up. We keep some strawberries to eat right away, some to freeze, some to make ice cream and last year we took the uneatable ones and made Strawberry Soap. Yet even with all that we still have some strawberries left over so this week I am looking for some more strawberry inspiration.

Stuff to Cook and Eat: I would be happy to eat any of these.
Greek yogurt dipped strawberries, Strawberry Freezer Jam, Strawberry Frozen Yogurt Pops, Strawberry Lemonade, Strawberry Ice Pops, Strawberry Butter,

Things to Make:
Felt Strawberries, Strawberry Pinata

Places to Go:
A list of Maryland pick-your-own strawberry places

Books to Read:
Jamberry by Bruce Degen

1 comment:

  1. The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry, and the Big Hungry Bear is a great title too.
