
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

3) Watermelon Popsicles

Bathing suits, BBQ's, and backyard sprinklers, yup it is definitely summer. Yesterday we celebrated Memorial Day and checked the first thing of our Summer Bucket List, make popsicles. 

 While shopping for supplies for our first BBQ we bought a very large watermelon, way bigger then I thought we would be able to eat for dinner. So the Bean helped me cut up the watermelon into little pieces to make some watermelon popsicles. I cut the watermelon off the rind and handed her some large chunks. She then used a butter knife to cut the watermelon into smaller pieces. Not only was this helpful to me but it was a great chance for her to practice using a knife in a way that didn't make me nervous. After she cut up all the watermelon, I put the chunks into the food processor with a few strawberries and some lemon juice, that was it. I contemplated adding a little juice or sugar but honestly they didn't need it. After pureeing I poured the mix into our popsicle molds and we stuck them in the freezer for a few hours. To say they were well received would be a huge understatement. The three little girls at our house polished off 5 popsicles in the matter of about 20 minutes. Since they were just fruit, I was happy to keep them coming and they were definitely happy to keep eating!

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