
Saturday, June 16, 2012

16) Inspiration: Bubbles

We have been way into bubbles around here lately. All the bubble solution experimentation has meant that we have been doing lots of bubble play and have, well,  lots of bubble solution around. So, this week I am looking for some new, fun ideas for what we can do with all the bubble solution:
Things To Make and Do (with bubble):
I love this idea for a Bubble Refill Station that lets kids get the bubbles on their own
I recently saw this in a book too,  Bubble Window to make really big bubbles and seeing as that we already have all the stuff at home I think we will have to give it a shot.
Bubble experiment station where kids try all different household objects to see if they will make bubbles, sounds like something the girls would love!
Snake bubbles looks like a fun variation on blowing bubbles, plus another one where we already have all the materials around our house.
The Giant bubble experiment is just cool, I mean who doesn't want to stand in a giant bubble! 
These Beaded bubble wands are so pretty, would be fun to make and have so many possible variations. I think we will have to give them a try.