
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

65) Misty Valley Farm Stand

With all the hot weather and sick days we haven't been touring too many farmers markets lately. I am hoping with everyone feeling better and the slightly cooler temperature we will be able to check out a few soon. In the meantime, I thought I would share our other favorite spot for summer produce, the farm stand. While I am a huge fan of the Farmers Market sometimes getting there, especially with little ones in tow can be hard. So being able to just pull over and hop out of the car to grab something delicious for dinner is a nice option. Our personal favorite (mostly because I have been going there for years) is the Misty Valley Farm stand on Ruxton Road near the entrance to 83 South. They always have lots of good produce and are super nice and helpful! In addition to that stand they also have three other stands in the area, a farm in Hunt Valley and a CSA program. On our last trip we stocked up on some blueberries, squash and peaches but we are hoping to go back this week for some Kirby cucumbers to make pickles! 

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