The Bonnie View Park and Playground is a relativley new playground on Smith Ave and Edenvale Road about 2 miles from Mt. Washington Village. Ironically, as a kid i actually lived on Edenvale for a little while and the place that is now the playground was once the Bonnie Ridge Country club. The country club is no longer in exsisence and the former golf course has now become several new developments. The playground ehile near all the new houses is actually a Baltimore County park. Even though the playground it actually pretty small it has a lot going for it. First it is very new meaning all the playground equipment is clean and up to date. The playground also has a rubber floor like none I have ever seen before. It looked a lot like rubber plywood and provided a great cushion for any falls. There is not a lot of equipment, a climber with slides and some swings but this was actually really nice for little ones because I felt like I could let them go and still be able to see them. The entire playground is also fenced in with a nice wrought iron fence making sure toddlers don't wander. The one down side I could potentially see for this playground is that there is no shade. While this was not a problem today, until the new trees grow a little more this may be a playground to avoid in the middle of the summer.
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Playground tour 2011-2012
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