I don't normally do new year resolutions. Mostly because I usually don't follow through and then I start the new year off on a bad foot. I do however like the idea of new year as a time to reflect on the past and think about what you want from the next year. So here are my goals both personally and for this blog.
1) Become "An Explorer of the World"
How is that for a lofty goal. For the holidays I received an Amazon gift card, and used it to order a bunch of the books I have had on my wish list / to read list for a while. Not that I think 2012 will bring me a lot of extra reading time, but I am excited about some new inspiration. The book I was most excitedly awaiting came yesterday, How To Be An Explorer Of The World: Portable Art / Life Museum By Keri Smith. While I haven't finished the entire book yet I am already very inspired by it! So I am making one of my personal, family and blog goals to become an explorer of the world. To quote Keri Smith if "You are an explorer. Your mission is to document and observe the world round you as if you've never seen it before. Take notes. Collect things you find on your travels. Document your findings. Notice patterns. Copy. Trace. Focus on one thing at a time. Record what you are drawn to."
2) Find out what's on other families "Childhood Lists"
For me one of the best parts about blogs is sharing. Learning new stuff, finding things I would never have found on my own and meeting new people. So that said this year i want to find out from other families " What's on Your Childhood List?" I am hoping others will share the stuff they do, the things they make, the places they go, the books they read or their own moments big and small. You don't have to have a blog (although you could) to participate. All you have to do is send an email to gillharveyk@gmail.com with the following information:
In the subject line: What's on Your Childhood List?
The category that you are writing about: Stuff to make, Places to go, Things to do, Moments Big and Small or Stuff to Read.
A short description (no more then 300 words) clearly written.
1-3 photo related to your post.
I have a few families who have already expressed interest but I hope to hear from more, so if you are interested, or even just have an idea you were thinking about send me an email.
3) Project 366
I just found out about this project and I love the idea. The premise is to take a photo everyday for 366 days starting today, January 1st. I am thinking of using this project to document our exploration of the world (see goal 1.) For more info on the project check out this site or this one. The project is open to everyone and it is not to late to join! They also have abbreviated versions and variations of the project if everyday is too much.
What are your goals for the year? How do you stick to your goals?
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