Wednesday, February 27, 2013

79) The National Aquarium in Baltimore

It's been a while since we took a fun field trip, so one morning last week when both girls were off school we ventured down to the National Aquarium in Baltimore. We actually have been to the aquarium before but it has been a while. We took the girls when the Bee was a little over two and she was less then impressed by the sharks. Really more like terrified and she talked about them for weeks. But now that they are both a little older I thought it might be time to give it a shot and they loved it. The Aquarium is open Monday-Thursday 10-4, Friday 10-8 and Weekends 10-5. The tickets are a little more on the pricey side $29.95 for adults and $20.95 for kids, but kids 3 and under are free. They also have a range of memberships which make sense if you are going to visit a few times. As a parent, one thing to note is that they do not allow strollers. They do however allow backpacks/carriers and even rent backpacks there. That is important because you can spend a long time at the Aquarium looking around. There is so much to see! The girls loved all the colorful fish, the rain forest, the dolphins and they were especially fascinated by the jellyfish. I was a little worried about seeing the coral reef and shark exhibit after our trip last time, but they were both fascinated by the sharks. The Bean needed to keep a tight hold on my hand while looking but she couldn't stop looking. The aquarium is currently undergoing some renovation (although there is still plenty to see) so I am excited to go back in the future and see what's new.


  1. Thanks for sharing this re-cap (and these amazing photographs!) from your recent trip. We're so glad to see that everyone had a good time!

    If the kids were mesmerized by the sharks in Shark Alley, they will surely enjoy the sleek blacktip sharks our new Blacktip Reef exhibit! We'd love to speak to you more offline about coming back to see Blacktip Reef and featuring the exhibit on your blog! If interested, email

  2. Those images are crazy clear! what kind of camera were they taken with?? That reminds me that I should take my kids to an aquarium.. that seems like they would love it. Good post here and thanks for the great idea!

  3. The National Aquarium in Baltimore is an excellent destination, showcasing a wide variety of animals and a large aquarium. Since its opening in 1981, it has housed over 20,000 animals representing hundreds of species, including dolphins, sharks, sea turtles, jellyfish, and exotic birds. My friend also want to go this place like many others, enjoys visiting this attraction, and together with the dedicated team at this Essay writing service, he meets the essay needs of clients.
